Farms for Sale in Sfax
مدجنة دجاج بياض للبيع محمل 15500 طير مجهزة من كافة نواحي وحاملة لكافة التراخيص القانونية. الثمن 470 الف دينار قابل للنقاش . لم مزيد من الاستفسار يرجى الاتصال على الرقم 0021622473753
أرض فلاحية تمسح 26798 م2 ما يعادل 30 مرجع بطريق قرمدة كلم 20 مشجرة باللوز
Searching in the farms section is a way to save time and effort for the seller and buyer to market or search for what they want on a large scale locally to reach the target groups without intermediary or paying commission, while ensuring the completion of buying and selling operations on the ground. You can easily and quickly communicate directly with The seller either through chat messages or by phone to agree on an appointment to inspect the property and inquire about the exact location and its additional services and benefits.volume_upcontent_copysharestar_border